Kuipers en de Kosmos – BNR / Quest

Music composition, sound design, mixing

In Kuipers and the Cosmos, André Kuipers tells his incredible story—from his selection by ESA and his training in Star City to his journeys to the ISS and his return to Earth.

Together with Connor Clerx, I had the opportunity to create the music and sound design, and I was responsible for mixing the podcast. The podcast has a unique format: André shares his adventures, and no one else speaks. Our task was to enhance André’s story with sound design. We decided to create all the sounds (such as the sound of a rocket) and the music using a few analog synthesizers as the foundation, which naturally evoke an ‘out of this world’ feeling.

André is a fantastic storyteller. Our goal was to create a soundscape that at times highlights the sense of wonder, and at other times emphasizes the bizarre environments André describes.

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